MacWorld Secrets (4th Edition)
Mac Secrets CD 4th Ed.toast
Shareware & Freeware
Add⁄Strip 3.3
Add⁄Strip™ 3.3
Add_Strip™ 3.3.rsrc
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Text File
92 lines
The specified ^ “^” contains characters that cannot be used in a valid DOS file or directory name. Remove them?
Unable to complete the paste because the maximum number of sets were defined; ^ sets were pasted.
One or more files could not be moved to the trash.
Please close the front window before trying to open or process a document.
A document is already being processed. Please wait until it is done before sending another to process.
Name: ^
Version: ^
Main: ^
Repl: ^; LRepl: ^
Map: ^
Could not find the “^” mapping set so “^” was substituted.
Default Settings
^ of ^
The current input folder “^” contains no files.
The current input folder “^” contains no TEXT files.
The current output folder “^” on “^” was not found. Choose a new folder?
The current input folder “^” on “^” was not found. Choose a new folder?
Add/Strip will only ask for the destination when it is the frontmost application.
The Input and Output folders cannot be the same.
Warning! Some lines in “^” could not be forced to ^ characters.
Improperly formatted line in “^.”
Online help file is missing.
© 1987-96 by Jon Wind. All rights reserved.
by Jon Wind
© 1987-96
Processing aborted.
Processing completed.
No column widths are defined.
Click the Process Select window’s “Column Widths…” button to define them.
No insertion intervals are defined.
Click the Process Select window’s “String & Intervals…” button to define them.
Please tell me which characters to strip.
Please tell me which characters to add.
Cannot understand format of “^.” Default settings will be used.
Cannot understand default settings format. Internal default values will be used.
Cannot understand the “^” file format. Settings are unchanged.
Cannot find “^.” Can you find it for me?
Warning! “^” has an unequal number of open & close quotation marks.
Warning! Some lines in “^” may have been truncated.
Error: ^.